C.A.R.D.S. Project


I was recently asked to create artwork for the C.A.R.D.S. Project. Chris & John gave me no restrictions, and only one task: Create something interesting that fits on a 3.5 x 2.0 business card. For me, this was a dream project and an exciting excuse to play around with some generative algorithms!

My goal was to create an ‘ocean scene’. To do this I used Perlin noise vector fields, bezier curves, and color cycling. The ‘creatures’ or ‘waves’ are grown based on randomized parameters such as ‘width’, ‘length’ and ‘color’. The parameters change over time; some linearly, while others are mapped to cosine/sine waves and easing functions (this resulted in a more organic feeling).

I ended up submitting 250 unique cards to the project. Each card is composed of 10-frames and took 1-2 minutes to generate. Many were thrown out in the process! From there the cards were sent to GifPop for lenticular printing.

Here’s a few of my favorites (the squid in the first image is by Justin Windle):

adminC.A.R.D.S. Project

Orange Honey; Epilogue

The past four years (2007-2011) much of my energy and capital has been focused into building the Mugtug graphics suite; Sketchpad, Darkroom and Lightbox. The suite has come a long way since I developed Sketchpad during a seven month work binge of Red-Bulls!  Through the collaboration of many developers we’ve moved forwards to create an entire framework that blurs the line between “web-app” and “desktop-app”…

Due to my own budgetary constraints, and differing visions within the corporation, the time has come for me to move on from Orange Honey.  The projects will continue under the direction of my good friend Charles Pritchard.  He is without a doubt the most knowledgable developer I’ve worked with.

The following highlight a few of my final contributions to Mugtug; made possible with HTML5;

Layer Styles; this module creates effects such as InnerShadow, OuterShadow, InnerGlow, and OuterGlow.  These are similar to what Photoshop achieves—the difference is, my version has the ability to do what I’ve coined “style stacking”.  Style stacking allows the designer to add multiple fills (solid, gradient, pattern) to, for instance, InnerShadow;

SVG Parser; this module converts .svg files into <canvas> commands, accepting complex examples, supporting features from <gaussianblur> to the <use> element;

This is an image from OpenClipart rendered in the SVG->Canvas parser;

There is no Gaussian blur in HTML5’s <canvas>, and to do a “true” Gaussian blur takes a lot of processing, and computational time.  I ended up using Mario Klingemann’s StackBlur to polyfill the support in the SVG parser, the results are pretty good;  I think some of the blurring wasn’t turned up enough do to my own Matrix scaling issues. Canvas left, SVG right;

Radial Gradient; this demo shows how fun radials and gradients can be ?

Composite Erase; this module creates a new composite mode, allowing you to erase colors based on the color of a brush;

– Brushes; this module adds some fun new brushes to play with, like galaxy (left);

Marquee; this module creates a “magick wand” with marching ants, for selecting portions of an image, and modifying them with fills, filters, and other effects;


adminOrange Honey; Epilogue

What can 1kb of Javascript do?

JS1k is challenge presented by Peter van der Zee to design the most creative use out of 1kb of Javascript. Many beautiful demos have been added in the first few days: mr. doob, hyperandroid, and antimatter. The challenge is addicting, “How much functionality can you fit in 1024 characters?”. Here are my results:

Breathing Galaxies

Hypotrochoid with dynamically changing color and diameter. Use the keyboard to change shapes mid-stream, or move the mouse to create a new shape. “When I breath out my mind is at peace… When I breath in my body is at peace…” Create a ripple in the folds of time and space.

The code for the Breathing Galaxies, 1019 bytes:

window.onload=function(){C=Math.cos;S=Math.sin;U=0;w=window;j=document;d=j.getElementById("c");c=d.getContext("2d");W=d.width=w.innerWidth;H=d.height=w.innerHeight;c.fillRect(0,0,W,H);c.globalCompositeOperation="lighter";c.lineWidth=0.2;c.lineCap="miter";var e=0,h=0;d.onmousemove=function(k){if(window.T){if(D==9){D=Math.random()*15;f(1)}clearTimeout(T)}X=k.pageX;Y=k.pageY;a=0;b=0;A=X,B=Y;R=(k.pageX/W*999&gt;&gt;0)/999;r=(k.pageY/H*999&gt;&gt;0)/999;U=k.pageX/H*360&gt;&gt;0;D=9;g=360*Math.PI/180;T=setInterval(f=function(l){c.save();c.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";if(!l){c.fillStyle="rgba(0,0,0,0.01)";c.fillRect(0,0,W,H)}c.restore();i=25;while(i--){c.beginPath();if(D&gt;450||e){if(!e){e=1}if(D&lt;0.1){e=0}h-=g;D-=0.1}if(!e){h+=g;D+=0.1}q=(R/r-1)*h;x=(R-r)*C(h)+D*C(q)+(A+(X-A)*(i/25))+(r-R);y=(R-r)*S(h)-D*S(q)+(B+(Y-B)*(i/25));if(a){c.moveTo(a,b);c.lineTo(x,y)}c.strokeStyle="hsla("+(U%360)+",100%,50%,0.75)";c.stroke();a=x;b=y}U-=0.5;A=X;B=Y},9)};j.onkeydown=function(k){a=b=0;R+=0.05};d.onmousemove({pageX:300,pageY:290})};

Micro Sketchpad

Psychodelic text effect with a hypotrochoid drawing tool.

The code for JS1k Draw, 1024 bytes:

window.onload=function(){Q=Math.random;C=Math.cos;S=Math.sin;H=0;w=window;d=document.getElementById("c");c=d.getContext("2d");c.fillRect(0,0,d.width=w.innerWidth*2,d.height=w.innerHeight*2);c.globalCompositeOperation="lighter";c.lineWidth=0.5;setTimeout(function(){c.font="210px Arial";n=360;while(n--){c.globalAlpha=n/1800;c.strokeStyle="hsl("+(n+110%360)+",99%,50%)";x=-n*C(n/360);y=250-S(n/360*2)*n/2.5;c.strokeText("JS1k",x+230,y+60);c.strokeText("Draw!",x+380,y+245)}c.globalAlpha=0.4},0);d.onmousedown=function(b){function a(l,j){X=l.pageX;Y=l.pageY;if(j=="down"){var s,p,h=X,g=Y,k=Q()*99,f=Q()*99,o=Q()*99,u=0;time=setInterval(function(){i=10;while(i--){c.beginPath();q=(k/f-1)*u;x=(k-f)*C(u)+o*C(q)+(h+(X-h)*(i/10))+(f-k);y=(k-f)*S(u)-o*S(q)+(g+(Y-g)*(i/10));if(s){c.moveTo(s,p);c.lineTo(x,y)}c.strokeStyle="hsl("+(H%360)+",99%,50%)";c.stroke();u+=360*Math.PI/180*2;s=x;p=y}H++;h=X;g=Y},5)}else{if(j=="up"){clearTimeout(time)}}}a(b,"down");d.onmousemove=function(f){a(f,"move")};d.onmouseup=function(f){a(f,"up")}}};

Spectrum DJ

Dynamically generated sphere controlled by mouse movements. I would love to see this made into a Audio Visualizer, there are a lot of cool effects that can be done very quickly with ColorMatrix’s. Here’s the same sphere in Darkroom – allowing you to edit other attributes of the spectrum [Tint, Temperature, Exposure, Contrast, ect]. For instance, Exposure could be mapped to the bass beats. It might be cool ?

The code for the Spectrum DJ, 928 bytes:

window.onload=function(){w=window;d=document.getElementById("c");c=d.getContext("2d");W=w.innerWidth;H=w.innerHeight;d.style.width=W+"px";d.style.height=H+"px";document.onmousemove=function(g){c.drawImage(image,0,0);var a=(g.pageX/W)*255-127,k=(g.pageY/H)*255-127,h=c.getImageData(0,0,d.width,d.height),f=h.data;for(var b=0,j=f.length;b&lt;j;b+=4){h.data[b]=f[b]-a;h.data[b+1]=f[b+1]+a;h.data[b+2]=f[b+2]+k}c.putImageData(h,0,0)};image=(function(){var k=document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"),a=300,h=a/2,f=(1/360)*Math.PI*2,j=W/H,e=-h/4,l=-h/2;d.width=k.canvas.width=h*j;d.height=k.canvas.height=h;k.fillRect(0,0,W,H);for(var b=0;b&lt;=359;b++){var i=k.createLinearGradient(e+h,l,e+h,l+h);i.addColorStop(0,"#000");i.addColorStop(0.5,"hsl("+((b+70)%360)+",100%,50%)");i.addColorStop(1,"#FFF");k.beginPath();k.moveTo(e+h,l);k.lineTo(e+h,l+h);k.lineTo(e+h+2,l+h);k.lineTo(e+h+5,l);k.fillStyle=i;k.fill();k.translate(e+h,l+h);k.rotate(f);k.translate(-(e+h),-(l+h))}return k.canvas})();c.drawImage(image,0,0)};

Each entry is required to work in the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera… my appologies to IE users, Microsoft does not yet support the canvas element in the HTML5 specs—it’s said to be scheduled for their next release.

Click, drag, and enjoy =)

adminWhat can 1kb of Javascript do?