What can 1kb of Javascript do?

JS1k is challenge presented by Peter van der Zee to design the most creative use out of 1kb of Javascript. Many beautiful demos have been added in the first few days: mr. doob, hyperandroid, and antimatter. The challenge is addicting, “How much functionality can you fit in 1024 characters?”. Here are my results:

Breathing Galaxies

Hypotrochoid with dynamically changing color and diameter. Use the keyboard to change shapes mid-stream, or move the mouse to create a new shape. “When I breath out my mind is at peace… When I breath in my body is at peace…” Create a ripple in the folds of time and space.

The code for the Breathing Galaxies, 1019 bytes:

window.onload=function(){C=Math.cos;S=Math.sin;U=0;w=window;j=document;d=j.getElementById("c");c=d.getContext("2d");W=d.width=w.innerWidth;H=d.height=w.innerHeight;c.fillRect(0,0,W,H);c.globalCompositeOperation="lighter";c.lineWidth=0.2;c.lineCap="miter";var e=0,h=0;d.onmousemove=function(k){if(window.T){if(D==9){D=Math.random()*15;f(1)}clearTimeout(T)}X=k.pageX;Y=k.pageY;a=0;b=0;A=X,B=Y;R=(k.pageX/W*999>>0)/999;r=(k.pageY/H*999>>0)/999;U=k.pageX/H*360>>0;D=9;g=360*Math.PI/180;T=setInterval(f=function(l){c.save();c.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";if(!l){c.fillStyle="rgba(0,0,0,0.01)";c.fillRect(0,0,W,H)}c.restore();i=25;while(i--){c.beginPath();if(D>450||e){if(!e){e=1}if(D<0.1){e=0}h-=g;D-=0.1}if(!e){h+=g;D+=0.1}q=(R/r-1)*h;x=(R-r)*C(h)+D*C(q)+(A+(X-A)*(i/25))+(r-R);y=(R-r)*S(h)-D*S(q)+(B+(Y-B)*(i/25));if(a){c.moveTo(a,b);c.lineTo(x,y)}c.strokeStyle="hsla("+(U%360)+",100%,50%,0.75)";c.stroke();a=x;b=y}U-=0.5;A=X;B=Y},9)};j.onkeydown=function(k){a=b=0;R+=0.05};d.onmousemove({pageX:300,pageY:290})};

Micro Sketchpad

Psychodelic text effect with a hypotrochoid drawing tool.

The code for JS1k Draw, 1024 bytes:

window.onload=function(){Q=Math.random;C=Math.cos;S=Math.sin;H=0;w=window;d=document.getElementById("c");c=d.getContext("2d");c.fillRect(0,0,d.width=w.innerWidth*2,d.height=w.innerHeight*2);c.globalCompositeOperation="lighter";c.lineWidth=0.5;setTimeout(function(){c.font="210px Arial";n=360;while(n--){c.globalAlpha=n/1800;c.strokeStyle="hsl("+(n+110%360)+",99%,50%)";x=-n*C(n/360);y=250-S(n/360*2)*n/2.5;c.strokeText("JS1k",x+230,y+60);c.strokeText("Draw!",x+380,y+245)}c.globalAlpha=0.4},0);d.onmousedown=function(b){function a(l,j){X=l.pageX;Y=l.pageY;if(j=="down"){var s,p,h=X,g=Y,k=Q()*99,f=Q()*99,o=Q()*99,u=0;time=setInterval(function(){i=10;while(i--){c.beginPath();q=(k/f-1)*u;x=(k-f)*C(u)+o*C(q)+(h+(X-h)*(i/10))+(f-k);y=(k-f)*S(u)-o*S(q)+(g+(Y-g)*(i/10));if(s){c.moveTo(s,p);c.lineTo(x,y)}c.strokeStyle="hsl("+(H%360)+",99%,50%)";c.stroke();u+=360*Math.PI/180*2;s=x;p=y}H++;h=X;g=Y},5)}else{if(j=="up"){clearTimeout(time)}}}a(b,"down");d.onmousemove=function(f){a(f,"move")};d.onmouseup=function(f){a(f,"up")}}};

Spectrum DJ

Dynamically generated sphere controlled by mouse movements. I would love to see this made into a Audio Visualizer, there are a lot of cool effects that can be done very quickly with ColorMatrix’s. Here’s the same sphere in Darkroom – allowing you to edit other attributes of the spectrum [Tint, Temperature, Exposure, Contrast, ect]. For instance, Exposure could be mapped to the bass beats. It might be cool ?

The code for the Spectrum DJ, 928 bytes:

window.onload=function(){w=window;d=document.getElementById("c");c=d.getContext("2d");W=w.innerWidth;H=w.innerHeight;d.style.width=W+"px";d.style.height=H+"px";document.onmousemove=function(g){c.drawImage(image,0,0);var a=(g.pageX/W)*255-127,k=(g.pageY/H)*255-127,h=c.getImageData(0,0,d.width,d.height),f=h.data;for(var b=0,j=f.length;b<j;b+=4){h.data[b]=f[b]-a;h.data[b+1]=f[b+1]+a;h.data[b+2]=f[b+2]+k}c.putImageData(h,0,0)};image=(function(){var k=document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"),a=300,h=a/2,f=(1/360)*Math.PI*2,j=W/H,e=-h/4,l=-h/2;d.width=k.canvas.width=h*j;d.height=k.canvas.height=h;k.fillRect(0,0,W,H);for(var b=0;b<=359;b++){var i=k.createLinearGradient(e+h,l,e+h,l+h);i.addColorStop(0,"#000");i.addColorStop(0.5,"hsl("+((b+70)%360)+",100%,50%)");i.addColorStop(1,"#FFF");k.beginPath();k.moveTo(e+h,l);k.lineTo(e+h,l+h);k.lineTo(e+h+2,l+h);k.lineTo(e+h+5,l);k.fillStyle=i;k.fill();k.translate(e+h,l+h);k.rotate(f);k.translate(-(e+h),-(l+h))}return k.canvas})();c.drawImage(image,0,0)};

Each entry is required to work in the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera… my appologies to IE users, Microsoft does not yet support the canvas element in the HTML5 specs—it’s said to be scheduled for their next release.

Click, drag, and enjoy =)

adminWhat can 1kb of Javascript do?

Sketchpad 1.0


UPDATE: Read about Sketchpad 3.0

Sketchpad is a free application utilizing <canvas> to allow anyone with a web-connection and a recent copy of Safari, Firefox, Opera, or Chrome the ability to create beautiful drawings.

Sketchpad includes a number of Drawing Tools — including: Text, Shape, Spirograph, Brush, Calligraphy, Pencil, Paint-Bucket, and Stamp. These tools can be used together with the provided database of Colors, Gradients, and Patterns — or you can create you own custom styles by clicking on the “COLOR”, “GRADIENT”, or “PATTERN” tabs on the top-bar. Sketchpad also includes a few generic Drawing Utilities — including: Marquee, Crop, Eraser, and a HSL/RGBA Color-Picker. Be sure to click on “LIGHT” mode on the top-bar for extra fun ?

Feel free to add your Sketchpad drawings to our Flickr group, we’d love to see them!

Here are a few drawing made with Sketchpad:


adminSketchpad 1.0

Sketchpad (alpha)

Welcome to the preview of Sketchpad. Though not all browsers support <canvas> we’re working hard to extend support before our official release. Until then, you lucky FireFox users (download Firefox) will be able to kick the tires and hold the wheel of what we believe will become the new standard in Web-authoring.

Sketchpad uses the little-known <canvas> tag to provide users and publishers with full control over the presentational qualities of their work. Directly accessing vector graphics, the <canvas> tag gives publishers real-access to their users’ display. The <canvas> tag will be available in HTML 5.0. In the meantime, we’re working to extend support to Internet Explorer, and working on compatibilty with Safari/WebKit’s javascript layers.

In the late 90’s, Macromedia released flash 7.0, using Actionscript. This allowed web developers to incorporate advanced graphics and programming into their website. Unfortunately, flash files are difficult to edit and require browser-side plugins. This proprietary format has never-the-less, received wide acclaim and usage over the years. Canvas is something new. With canvas, programming is handled in plain Javascript. Developers and users are given a simple way to manage their interactive programs. Further, canvas is a simple vector programming interface. Whether you’re using a mobile phone or a wide screen display, your Canvas webpages are guarenteed to be crisp, clear and responsive.

adminSketchpad (alpha)

Piano Theory widget

[update] Read about Color Piano Theory.I’ve been working on this widget a long time, on and off, basically whenever I’ve got a vacation. There are a lot of features in the works, so check back for more updates. I would love to hear what you think about this widget, and any ideas you have for improvements:

adminPiano Theory widget

Sphere Plugin

I’ve prepared a new DHTML plugin, licencened under Creative Commons. It works perfectly on all Macintosh browsers, however, I haven’t had the opportunity to test on Windows… If there are bugs there, it would be great if someone could submit the fix’s… otherwise, you’ll have to wait for me to get around to finding a spare PC to test on.

The new plugin is based on our popular Sphere color chooser. The coolest part is that it’s resizable, you can make this thing as big as you want. Check it out here.

adminSphere Plugin