ZenBG: Background Generator

Background Generator (BG) provides the ability to edit the background of any website in real-time! To give you an idea, the backgrounds of the Journal, Photos, Projects, and Labs sections of Mudcu.be were created using BG.

BG allows you to create fancy Web 3.0 backgrounds without getting dirty with Photoshop, GIMP, ect. The project includes a collection of textures (wood, rust, paper, concrete and so-on) which are combined with custom linear-gradients and colors to create a wide assortment of themes.

BG outputs valid CSS3 code, and also supports older browsers back to CSS1.  Supporting CSS1 is accomplished through the fallback of using of an embedded JPEG. Designers targeting newer browsers will also be happy; BG supports -moz-linear-gradient (for Firefox), -o-linear-gradient (for Opera) and -webkit-gradient (for Safari/Chrome) with multiple color-stops. Additionally, BG outputs DXImageTransform (Internet Explorer) code, as long as there are no more than two color-stops; IE can support multiple color-stops by using the fallback method (JPEG). Supporting browsers across the spectrum: IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera.

Please enjoy, and if you find it useful, post the website you designed here! ?

adminZenBG: Background Generator

HTML5: Unicode Profiling Project

The Unicode Profiling Project was designed to gather statistics on unicode support across systems.  The software checks each symbol in your systems Unicode catalog (65,535 glyphs) to see which are visible on your computer using <canvas> and Javascript.

The data generated from your computer will help profile the state of unicode support on the web. Your computers unicode support, remote address, user agent and processing time will be submitted to the server upon completion of the test — a statistic analysis of the data will be published — no specific information about your computer will be published.

The code behind this project is an extension of isFontSupported (font detection in <canvas>). As with isFontSupported, the code behind Unicode Profiling Project is released under CC0, free to use this code in creative ways in your own projects ?

Running the test:

Once the test is initiated you’ll be able to watch the glyphs as they’re scanned with their related unicode block name.  It typically takes over a minute to scan an entire collection of unicode characters.  This is what the acid test looks like while being processed:

Reading your profile:

Once the processing has completed you will be presented with a string of binary representing what characters are visible, and which ones are unavailable or invisible (65,535 numbers). Here are the results from my Chromium browser running on OSX 10.6.4:

Unicode characters:

Now the fun part, click on “Show Available” — this may take a few seconds as you’re referencing tens of thousands of unicode characters at once:

Unicode #65018

Brail Patterns [0x2800-28FF]

<a href=”http://mudcu.be/journal/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Screen-shot-2010-11-10-at-11 sertraline drug.54.12-PM.png”>

Supported Browsers:

The project fully supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera.  Some false positives are produced in Internet Explorer as there is a unique “missing symbol” for every unicode block.

Results on my Mac:

  • Safari
    49,493 visible glyphs
  • Firefox 3.6
    49,428 visible glyphs
    NOTE:  Each undefined symbol has a unique hash unless text size is <=11
  • Google Chrome 7.0
    49,493 visible glyphs
  • Chromium 8.0
    49,492 visible glyphs
  • Opera 10.6
    47,672 visible glyphs
    NOTE:  Supports different fonts in <canvas> than regular DOM

Results on my Windows:

  • IE 9.0
    50,826 visible glyphs
    NOTE:  Some false positives… each range has it’s own undefined symbol.
  • Firefox 3.6
    51,208 visible glyphs
    NOTE:  Each undefined symbol has a unique hash unless text size is <=10
  • Google Chrome 7.0
    47,267 visible glyphs
    NOTE:  Textarea can have different unicode support than Div in some cases.  For instance, on my computer ﰿ works in Textarea, but not in Div.
  • Opera 10.6
    56,024 visible glyphs
    NOTE:  Supports different unicode in Canvas than Div and Textarea.  Also, Opera supports more unicode characters than other browsers by far, possibly included in the package?

Further Research:

adminHTML5: Unicode Profiling Project

Dynamic MIDI generation in the browser

UPDATE: This project has been cancelled, the MIDIBridge (which takes this idea much further) is what you’re looking for;  http://www.abumarkub.net/abublog/?p=505

Have you ever wanted to use MIDI in your Javascript or Flash project?  It’s been a long time dream of mine.  After a long search I came up with one solution that would provide the best support for the most computers (at present time) — utilizing Java’s javax.sound.midi interface through an . Introducing the MIDIPlugin providing the fundamental functions to create dynamic music & sound effects in your browser.

The MIDIPlugin requires that Java and a MIDI Soundbank be installed on your computer. Some computers have these installed by default, others do not. More on computability later.

Piano Theory was built utilizing the MIDIPlugin.  Although the MIDIPlugin works in Internet Explorer my piano webapp does not (at this time) — apologies to IE users.

My pitch for MIDI support becoming a W3C standard

Just as color and native primitives are the building blocks of graphics MIDI is an essential building block of music — we have for graphics, we’re lacking decent support for dynamic music generation.

The benefits of dynamic music generation is substantial — saving bandwidth, opening up a whole new realm of sense (the sense of audio) to dynamic content, allowing developers to create more interactive & immersive projects.  MIDI is a well defined framework that could be implemented into the W3C standards, as long as there is the support behind it.  With the motion that the web has been moving forwards recently, the possibility is ripe.

The plugin is easy to use

  1. Include the MIDIPlugin in your projects to create a dynamic audio experience:
    <applet archive="MIDIPlugin.jar" code="MIDIPlugin.class" height="1" id="MIDIPlugin" name="MIDIPlugin" width="1"><applet>
  2. Test to see whether the browser supports the MIDIPlugin (has Soundbank installed and supports Java) with the following function in window.onload:
    MIDIPlugin = document.MIDIPlugin;
    setTimeout(function () { // run on next event loop (once MIDIPlugin is loaded)
        try { // activate MIDIPlugin
        } catch (e) { // plugin not supported
            MIDIPlugin = false;
    }, 0);
  3. When MIDIPlugin is false the user is either missing the MIDI Soundbank or Java — prompt the user to install the appropriate software.  If the MIDIPlugin isn’t set to false… well then, the fun starts ;)Functions available to you within the MIDIPlugin object:
    MIDIPlugin {
        setBend(double) // 0.5 = default
        setPan(double) // 0.5 = center
        playNote(int) // 0 is low C - 1 is C# and so on
        stopNote(int) //
        playChord(string) // for instance [0,5,7].join(",")
        stopChord(string) //
  4. Remember to unload the plugin onbeforeunload, or your will have a loose connection hanging, which over time (multiple reloads) will result in the MIDI sound not working until you restart your browser:
    window.onbeforeunload = function() {

Licensed to use in your projects ?

Released as CC0 — this means you can use the MIDIPlugin in your project, and modify it to your hearts content without giving recognition, be that commercial or non-commercial.

Git me

Easily forkable on GITHub or download the precompiled .jar applet.

Supported OS/Browsers

MIDIDPlugin works on Macs out of the box.  Linux works out of the box depending on distribution, other times it requires Java SE to be installed.  Windows requires Java SE as well as the MIDI Soundbanks to be installed (the Windows version of Java SE doesn’t ship with MIDI Soundbanks included).  On the browser front the plugin works across the board:  Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari and IE.

Other fun things in the name of music

adminDynamic MIDI generation in the browser

What can 1kb of Javascript do?

JS1k is challenge presented by Peter van der Zee to design the most creative use out of 1kb of Javascript. Many beautiful demos have been added in the first few days: mr. doob, hyperandroid, and antimatter. The challenge is addicting, “How much functionality can you fit in 1024 characters?”. Here are my results:

Breathing Galaxies

Hypotrochoid with dynamically changing color and diameter. Use the keyboard to change shapes mid-stream, or move the mouse to create a new shape. “When I breath out my mind is at peace… When I breath in my body is at peace…” Create a ripple in the folds of time and space.

The code for the Breathing Galaxies, 1019 bytes:

window.onload=function(){C=Math.cos;S=Math.sin;U=0;w=window;j=document;d=j.getElementById("c");c=d.getContext("2d");W=d.width=w.innerWidth;H=d.height=w.innerHeight;c.fillRect(0,0,W,H);c.globalCompositeOperation="lighter";c.lineWidth=0.2;c.lineCap="miter";var e=0,h=0;d.onmousemove=function(k){if(window.T){if(D==9){D=Math.random()*15;f(1)}clearTimeout(T)}X=k.pageX;Y=k.pageY;a=0;b=0;A=X,B=Y;R=(k.pageX/W*999&gt;&gt;0)/999;r=(k.pageY/H*999&gt;&gt;0)/999;U=k.pageX/H*360&gt;&gt;0;D=9;g=360*Math.PI/180;T=setInterval(f=function(l){c.save();c.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";if(!l){c.fillStyle="rgba(0,0,0,0.01)";c.fillRect(0,0,W,H)}c.restore();i=25;while(i--){c.beginPath();if(D&gt;450||e){if(!e){e=1}if(D&lt;0.1){e=0}h-=g;D-=0.1}if(!e){h+=g;D+=0.1}q=(R/r-1)*h;x=(R-r)*C(h)+D*C(q)+(A+(X-A)*(i/25))+(r-R);y=(R-r)*S(h)-D*S(q)+(B+(Y-B)*(i/25));if(a){c.moveTo(a,b);c.lineTo(x,y)}c.strokeStyle="hsla("+(U%360)+",100%,50%,0.75)";c.stroke();a=x;b=y}U-=0.5;A=X;B=Y},9)};j.onkeydown=function(k){a=b=0;R+=0.05};d.onmousemove({pageX:300,pageY:290})};

Micro Sketchpad

Psychodelic text effect with a hypotrochoid drawing tool.

The code for JS1k Draw, 1024 bytes:

window.onload=function(){Q=Math.random;C=Math.cos;S=Math.sin;H=0;w=window;d=document.getElementById("c");c=d.getContext("2d");c.fillRect(0,0,d.width=w.innerWidth*2,d.height=w.innerHeight*2);c.globalCompositeOperation="lighter";c.lineWidth=0.5;setTimeout(function(){c.font="210px Arial";n=360;while(n--){c.globalAlpha=n/1800;c.strokeStyle="hsl("+(n+110%360)+",99%,50%)";x=-n*C(n/360);y=250-S(n/360*2)*n/2.5;c.strokeText("JS1k",x+230,y+60);c.strokeText("Draw!",x+380,y+245)}c.globalAlpha=0.4},0);d.onmousedown=function(b){function a(l,j){X=l.pageX;Y=l.pageY;if(j=="down"){var s,p,h=X,g=Y,k=Q()*99,f=Q()*99,o=Q()*99,u=0;time=setInterval(function(){i=10;while(i--){c.beginPath();q=(k/f-1)*u;x=(k-f)*C(u)+o*C(q)+(h+(X-h)*(i/10))+(f-k);y=(k-f)*S(u)-o*S(q)+(g+(Y-g)*(i/10));if(s){c.moveTo(s,p);c.lineTo(x,y)}c.strokeStyle="hsl("+(H%360)+",99%,50%)";c.stroke();u+=360*Math.PI/180*2;s=x;p=y}H++;h=X;g=Y},5)}else{if(j=="up"){clearTimeout(time)}}}a(b,"down");d.onmousemove=function(f){a(f,"move")};d.onmouseup=function(f){a(f,"up")}}};

Spectrum DJ

Dynamically generated sphere controlled by mouse movements. I would love to see this made into a Audio Visualizer, there are a lot of cool effects that can be done very quickly with ColorMatrix’s. Here’s the same sphere in Darkroom – allowing you to edit other attributes of the spectrum [Tint, Temperature, Exposure, Contrast, ect]. For instance, Exposure could be mapped to the bass beats. It might be cool ?

The code for the Spectrum DJ, 928 bytes:

window.onload=function(){w=window;d=document.getElementById("c");c=d.getContext("2d");W=w.innerWidth;H=w.innerHeight;d.style.width=W+"px";d.style.height=H+"px";document.onmousemove=function(g){c.drawImage(image,0,0);var a=(g.pageX/W)*255-127,k=(g.pageY/H)*255-127,h=c.getImageData(0,0,d.width,d.height),f=h.data;for(var b=0,j=f.length;b&lt;j;b+=4){h.data[b]=f[b]-a;h.data[b+1]=f[b+1]+a;h.data[b+2]=f[b+2]+k}c.putImageData(h,0,0)};image=(function(){var k=document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"),a=300,h=a/2,f=(1/360)*Math.PI*2,j=W/H,e=-h/4,l=-h/2;d.width=k.canvas.width=h*j;d.height=k.canvas.height=h;k.fillRect(0,0,W,H);for(var b=0;b&lt;=359;b++){var i=k.createLinearGradient(e+h,l,e+h,l+h);i.addColorStop(0,"#000");i.addColorStop(0.5,"hsl("+((b+70)%360)+",100%,50%)");i.addColorStop(1,"#FFF");k.beginPath();k.moveTo(e+h,l);k.lineTo(e+h,l+h);k.lineTo(e+h+2,l+h);k.lineTo(e+h+5,l);k.fillStyle=i;k.fill();k.translate(e+h,l+h);k.rotate(f);k.translate(-(e+h),-(l+h))}return k.canvas})();c.drawImage(image,0,0)};

Each entry is required to work in the latest versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera… my appologies to IE users, Microsoft does not yet support the canvas element in the HTML5 specs—it’s said to be scheduled for their next release.

Click, drag, and enjoy =)

adminWhat can 1kb of Javascript do?

Sketchpad 1.0


UPDATE: Read about Sketchpad 3.0

Sketchpad is a free application utilizing <canvas> to allow anyone with a web-connection and a recent copy of Safari, Firefox, Opera, or Chrome the ability to create beautiful drawings.

Sketchpad includes a number of Drawing Tools — including: Text, Shape, Spirograph, Brush, Calligraphy, Pencil, Paint-Bucket, and Stamp. These tools can be used together with the provided database of Colors, Gradients, and Patterns — or you can create you own custom styles by clicking on the “COLOR”, “GRADIENT”, or “PATTERN” tabs on the top-bar. Sketchpad also includes a few generic Drawing Utilities — including: Marquee, Crop, Eraser, and a HSL/RGBA Color-Picker. Be sure to click on “LIGHT” mode on the top-bar for extra fun ?

Feel free to add your Sketchpad drawings to our Flickr group, we’d love to see them!

Here are a few drawing made with Sketchpad:


adminSketchpad 1.0